Office visits at Prestige Med are generally arranged by appointment only. When you call for your appointment, please be as detailed as possible in your description of what you wish to be seen for so our staff can be sure to schedule an appropriate amount of time with the right person to address your needs. Our goal is always to make the most of your time with your doctor so together you can discuss your health concerns and objectives.
If you are having a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or your local emergency access number. If you are unsure of your medical needs, call our office number any time day/night and you will be directed to the appropriate staff person.
Arrive 15 Minutes Early
Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time. This will allow time for you to complete the registration and check-in process if you have not already filled out forms online. Our goal is to see patients at the time of their scheduled appointment, however, on occasion, there will be unavoidable delays as a result of medical emergencies.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late for an appointment and your clinician is still able to see you, please understand that your time together may be shortened so that other patients will not be kept waiting. Or, you may wish to reschedule your appointment if the time available is not adequate. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance whenever possible so that we may use that time for others who need to be seen.
Talking with your Doctor: Build a Partnership
Share your concerns. Your routine physical is a great time to talk with your doctor about specific health concerns. Many of us forget our questions once we enter the office. You may find it helpful to write down your thoughts before your visit. Share your concerns with your doctor at the beginning of your visit. The doctor will help you prioritize your list and set up additional visit time, if necessary, to address your remaining concerns.
Ask questions. Medical language can be confusing. Understanding your health problems, reasons for testing or treatment, and the significance of test results is essential to your care. The more you understand about your health, the better prepared you will be to be a partner with your doctor in decision-making, and to follow through with your physician's recommendations.
Repeat key instructions. Your doctor may provide you with a written summary to help you recall key details about the visit and follow through instructions. Summarizing your doctor's instructions may help you understand and clarify any misunderstanding. If you need more clarification on the information your doctor is providing, do not hesitate to ask or call the office.